“अधूत अवधूतः अहं युगान् युगान् योगी” — Shant Kabir

Books Sathi

Books Sathi is your companion in discovering insightful books that empower your mind and spirit. Browse through our recommendations and find your next great read.

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Karma: Why Everything You Know About It

The meaning of Karma stands distorted by centuries of misplaced fictionalization. Karma remains a disquieting enigma to those who refuse to accept compromised notions. Acharya Prashant's work provides clarity on this ancient concept.

Tripura Rahasya: The Mystery beyond the Trinity
Tripura Rahasya: The Mystery beyond the Trinity

A profound book on Vedanta, capturing the conversation between Dattatreya and Parashurama. It offers timeless spiritual wisdom in the same spirit as the Bhagavad Gita.

Zen-Yoga: A Creative Psychotherapy to Self-Integration
Zen-Yoga: A Creative Psychotherapy to Self-Integration

A transformative guide to achieving self-integration through the practices of Zen and yoga. Perfect for those seeking spiritual growth and mental clarity.

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